Indiegogo campaign for new feature film, “Mrs. Wildermuth” launches.

We need YOU to help bring Mrs Wildermuth and her story to life!

How you ask?

By purchasing any one of the sponsorship packages. All purchases will go to the making of Mrs Wildermuth. Not only will your contribution help us get this project done, you will forever be a part of our film-making history. Every contribution counts, and we thank you for being a part of our film.

Claudia Wildermuth is a 75 year old baker who runs a small business out of her home called “Claudia’s Illegal Baked Goods, So tasty, it’s a crime!” She is known to be the best baker around and she delivers. Her son Reggie, who is a bit slow on the uptake, or so he seems, helps her run her business.

Read more at Indiegogo